Website changes

Hello to all…………

If you have been a visitor to this site before, you will notice the same content, but a different format. I have changed website carriers and so am working on tweaking the site with new pictures and writings so keep checking back to see what tidbits I may have for you.  I hope to be posting more often and also adding many more new and different pictures to the site!

More changes…….

I haven’t posted very much this past year because of a storm that went through on July 1, 2011 that was a very short wind storm that brought many changes to our life. Large branches from our Maple Trees were twisted off and ended up across the driveway, and on top of the garage.   Also, one of the very old tall crooked pine trees went down across the drive and took out the power lines.  We were very fortunate that the vehicles in the garage were not damaged!  There was a lot of cleanup that needed to be done to say the least.

So, that started a whole very interesting year of changes, first fixing the old garage, straightening the walls as much as could be, and new shingles that fall.

Then in 2012 we tore off the old entry porch on the house, added a second bathroom, and added a new entry way and a new one car garage and resided the whole house, put in some new windows, and may other things! Wow!  I am tired just thinking of it all again!  It has been quite a fast paced last year for us and not too hard getting used to a garage connected to the house either!

In the fall of 2011 I started digging some of the Hostas around the house where I knew they would have to be moved if I wanted to save them.

They wintered over in the old garage just fine. Some of these were sold at the Bangor Garden Club Plant Sale in early May. Then, of course, there were more that had to be moved  in early April of 2012 (that I hadn’t planned on), or I would loose them, and so I dug more plants around the house and gazebo.   I had help from my husband, a godson, and my daughter too!  To tell people I had pots and pots behind the garage isn’t even a hint at all of them!  Many of these had been in the ground for 8-9 years.

The building was finished about the end of June last year and the horrible heat of last summer had already started a couple of weeks before, so, I watered alot of plants! And, another god child helped me water many times!

More plants were sold at the Big Creek Church Pie and Ice Cream Social in August,  and I planted many of them back in new beds by the house and around the gazebo. In the heat of August! They had to go in, so I did a few each day. And, planning where each would go was quite interesting too.  I already see this summer that some will have to be moved once more, as either they are already too large for the space, or some are actually in too much shade!

Most of my beds have always been a work in progress but all at once there there were major areas to plan around.  Many plants wintered over a second year in the old garage!  And, were brought to the Plant Sale once again!  Lots of lucky buyers getting a nice big Hostas to take home!

This spring we had plenty rain, and so all of the replanted things grew wonderfully in the nice new soil and the abundant moisture.

There are areas that have to be worked on yet, and of course moving some again, since they are in a bad spot, but things have turned out quite nicely for the most part.

Changes can be very good or bad in life, but now that the building is over and the mess is done with, I have started “changing plants around” in another of the beds.  That is how it is with Perennial Beds, and makes for an interesting life to say the least!  Happy Gardening!

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Hello world!


Hello, my name is Judi Ruedy and I have been a Master Gardener Volunteer for about 20 years and have been involved in a local garden club since 1975. My love for Hostas started a long time ago before I knew anything about growing anything, and Hostas were not in vogue. I created this website specifically for zone 4 Northern gardeners that need help finding perennials specific to their growing area. So much information out there on the web doesn’t apply to our colder growing climate, so I thought I would share my own findings here on this site.
